Revista Académica Divulgativa Arjé
ISSN: 2215-5538 Julio a Diciembre, 2021 Volumen 4, Número 2
transitabilidad y transportación de personas, porque nuestras carreteras ya no
dan abasto con la exponencial cantidad de vehículos que circulan cada día.
Ahora, el gran reto es reactivar el ferrocarril como medio de transporte de
contenedores, por las grandes ventajas que tiene para el país, las empresas y el
ambiente, en especial por la experiencia antes de la llegada de la empresa APM
Palabras clave: competitividad, logística, transporte, ferrocarril, camión.
In 1995, the government of Costa Rica decided that the railroad from San José to
Limón and vice versa, both for the transportation of goods and passengers, would
cease operations, this decision brought with it consequences with unexpected
effects for the country and much more for the towns along the railroad route,
which depended on its activity, therefore, it affected the social, cultural, and
economic life, among other aspects.
It is enough to visit some of these communities to realize the negative impact they
received, to such an extent that some of them are nowadays ghost towns that
barely survive. There is no doubt, that the railroad as a means of transportation is
a dynamiter of the economy and generator of welfare for a country.
During 2018, Costa Rican government authorities made enormous economic
efforts to reactivate the railroad, firstly, for passenger transportation, especially in
the central area of the country (Central Plateau), since it was considered a
solution to the serious problems of trafficability and transportation of people,
because our roads are no longer able to cope with the exponential number of
vehicles that circulate every day.
Now, the great challenge is to reactivate the railroad as a means of container
transportation, due to the great advantages it has for the country, the companies,
and the environment, especially because of the experience before the arrival of
APM Terminals.
Keywords: Competitiveness, logistics, transportation, railroad, truck.
En la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos, los sistemas ferroviarios han venido
a menos con el paso del tiempo y, prácticamente, se encuentran en un estado
de decadencia y deterioro. Costa Rica no se escapó de esa tendencia regional,