Revista Académica Divulgativa Arjé
ISSN: 2215-5538 Julio a Diciembre, 2021 Volumen 4, Número 2
Segmento Especial: Carta de la Tierra Internacional
Los estudiantes se convierten en agentes de cambios cuando incorporan en
sus rutinas escolares reflexiones, proyectos pertinentes para ellos, la
participación activa, creación de movimientos ambientales, y cuando son
los protagonistas de su aprendizaje. También, ha quedado demostrado que
la integración de las artes constituye un factor importante cuando se quiere
integrar una educación holística, de amor y respeto a la naturaleza.
El camino hacia adelante, según nos inspira la Carta de la Tierra, se puede
vislumbrar como un camino lleno de retos hacia una educación para la
sostenibilidad, a la vez, inspira ya que se está formando una nueva
generación de jóvenes con una visión prospectiva y centrados en la
transformación del futuro.
Palabras claves: Valores en la Carta de la Tierra, agentes de cambio,
ecopedagogía, futuras generaciones, conservación.
How to connect students with the sense of universal responsibility? How to
develop experiences with nature? How to promote an education for
sustainability in students? It is important that student community learn
scientific concepts focus on environment conservation, but we need those
students integrate into their knowledge the respect, love, and care for nature.
The Earth Charter represents a philosophical framework and inspire us to
integrate it with any school curriculum. Also, the values and notions present in
Earth Charter connect us with our school routines and action projects. In this
paper, we mentioned the respect, care and love, interdependence,
universal responsibility, equity, and peace. These values and connection with
nature, the commitment as a universal citizen and the responsibility to
conserve our planet Earth, is a beginning for an education looking for
sustainability. Students become agents of change when they incorporate into
their school routines, reflections, projects relevant to them, active
participation, and the creation of environmental movements. In fact, the
integration of the arts is important when we integrate a holistic education,
love, and respect for nature. The way forward, as inspired by the Earth
Charter, we can see it as a way full of challenges towards an education for
sustainability, at the same time, it inspires us, because a new generation of
young people with a prospective vision and focused on the transformation of
the future is being formed.
Keywords: Values in the Earth Charter, agents of change, eco-pedagogy,
future generations, conservation.