Revista Académica Divulgativa Arjé
ISSN: 2215-5538 Enero a Julio, 2022 Volumen 5, Número 1
Segmento especial
Palabras clave: mediación pedagógica, alfabetización digital, competencias
docentes digitales, herramientas docentes.
The article seeks the incorporation of a series of complementary elements to the
pedagogical mediation proposal for popular distance education, originally
conceived by Francisco Gutiérrez and Daniel Prieto in the late eighties, derived
from current trends in digital literacy, emerging approaches from virtual
education applied to a postgraduate educational context and the digital skills of
21st century teachers, to "update" this successful and a widespread way of
promoting significant learning, beyond the traditional expository classes. In
addition, this review is motivated by the growing adoption of virtual learning
environments and the accelerating effect of the cultural change caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic
The analysis is approached from the digital skills required by the teaching
community, the link between pedagogical mediation and the current context. It
is suggested that this complementarity is possible, to the extent that it favors
pedagogical improvement, teaching performance and the inclusion of
enhancing and facilitating ICT resources.
Keywords: pedagogical mediation, digital literacy, educator digital
competences, teaching tools.
“Es preciso atreverse para decir científicamente, y no
blablablantemente, que estudiamos, aprendemos, enseñamos y
conocemos con nuestro cuerpo entero. Con los sentimientos, con
las emociones, con los deseos, con los miedos, con las dudas, con
la pasión y también con la razón crítica.” Freire, P. (2010) Cartas a
quien pretende enseñar. p. 26.
Las urgentes medidas de respuesta sin precedentes a las que las sociedades
aprendientes planetarias se han visto enfrentadas para lidiar con el embate de
la pandemia COVID-19 y asegurar la continuidad de los procesos en todos los