Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
Characterization of sludge from
industries for possible recovery in Arts
Karina Rodríguez Mora
Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería. Unidad de Recursos Forestales, San José, Costa Rica
Sludge from oxidation ponds from different industries was evaluated to study its composition through a chemical characteri-
zation and to determine a possible route for its recovery. For the characterization of the sludge, gravimetry for SiO2 content,
infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) were used. It was determined that the paint industry sludges have a higher SiO2 content with 17.2 ± 0.2
% by mass and different phases present in the sludges such as albite, quartz, and rutile were identified, as well as metals of
interest in pigments such as iron, chrome, and zinc. The previous demonstrates that even though the matrix is highly complex;
there are routes for the use of this residue.
Keywords: Art, materials, pigments, sludge, wastewater.
Se evaluaron lodos de lagunas de oxidación, provenientes de diferentes industrias con la finalidad de estudiar su composición
mediante una caracterización química, así como determinar una posible ruta para su valorización. Para la caracterización de
los lodos se utilizó gravimetría para el contenido de SiO2, espectroscopía infrarroja, difracción de rayos X, análisis termogra-
vimétrico, espectrometría de dispersión de energía de rayos X (EDS) y fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF). Se determinó que los
lodos provenientes de la industria de pinturas poseen un mayor contenido de SiO2 con un 17,2±0,2 % en masa y se identifica-
ron diferentes fases presentes en el lodo como albita, cuarzo y rutilo, además de metales de interés en pigmentos como hierro,
cromo y zinc. Mostrando que a pesar de que la matriz es altamente compleja existen rutas de aprovechamiento de este residuo.
Palabras clave: Arte, agua residual, lodos, materiales, pigmentos.
Caracterización de lodos de industrias para un
posible aprovechamiento en artes
Referencia/ reference:
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. (2023). Characterization of sludge from industries for possible recovery in Arts.
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, Vol.7 (2), 64-74. https://doi.org/10.47633/yulk.v7i2.592
Recibido: 8 de marzo 2023 Aceptado: 28 de mayo 2023
Eddy Jirón García
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Sede del Caribe, Limón, Costa Rica
Verónica Hernández Solís
Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Sede Rodrigo Facio, San José, Costa Rica
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
The Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Cos-
ta Rica (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Costa
Rica) seeks to promote art, that is, the ability to express
beauty through painting, sculpture, and music (Real Aca-
demia Española, 2021). This entity together with the Es-
cuela de Bellas Artes (School of Fine Arts) has a genuine
interest in contributing to professional training, and the
generation and dissemination of knowledge in the area of
the arts since 1897 to benefit the development of social
protection and recognition of the diversity of cultural he-
ritage from their undergraduate and postgraduate courses
(Facultad de Artes, 2023). All this while raising aware-
ness about environmental responsibility and promoting a
policy for the use and reuse of waste.
The waste that will be used and reused as raw material in
art is the sludge that is generated in the wastewater treat-
ment plants (PTAR) as a product of the conditioning of
the water for its discharge (Zhu et al., 2020). The oxida-
tion ponds in WWTPs are the most used option for water
treatment (Metcalf et al., 1991). At the bottom of these
lagoons, the large amount of sludge that is generated must
be extracted regularly so it can be used in various appli-
Sludge is divided into primary sludge and secondary
sludge. Primary sludges usually contain a lot of orga-
nic matter and high activity of microorganisms (Kwar-
ciak-Kozłowska, 2019), while secondary sludges are
found in oxidation ponds with little organic load and high
contents of water, silicates, clays, carbonates, and metals
(Canziani & Spinosa, 2019). The latter is of great interest
because of their chemical composition of some pigments,
glass, ceramics, and enamels. (Esteves et al., 2010).
In recent years, different initiatives for the use of sludge
have been launched for energy use (G. Yang et al., 2015;
Yi et al., 2014); as an addition to soils to improve their
quality (Kwarciak-Kozłowska, 2019; Passuello et al.,
2012); as an incorporation into construction materials as
reinforcement, (Camareno et al., 2006) and even to pro-
duce higher value materials such as zeolites (Carranza &
Montero-Villalobos, 2016).
However, it is established that the applicability of the slu-
dge from the industries in Fine Arts, from now is only
called Arts; can be in painting and sculpture. The possi-
bility of its use in music is excluded. Secondary sludge is
the most viable for this purpose. In this sense, there is the
use of mud in the work of Guy Riefler when extracting
pigments from the mud of the rivers of the coal mines in
southeastern Ohio, United States. With it, John Sabrow
gave color to his artistic works (Balmer, 2015). Likewise,
obtaining ceramic pigments spinel of Ni(Cr
, Fe
by Carneiro et al., (2018) using red mud, the use of ye-
llow waste sludge with high iron oxide contents to prepa-
re ceramic glaze pigments by Ovčačíková et al., (2021).
Obtaining glass-ceramics from urban and industrial was-
tewater sludge in Egypt by Garcia-Valles et al., (2011)
and the use of sludge from alumina extraction to manu-
facture glass and glass-ceramics (J. Yang et al., 2008) are
some examples of the use of sludge in arts.
However, the applicability of the sludge obtained from
the WWTPs depends on their composition and physico-
chemical characteristics, which in turn, depend on the
origin of the wastewater from the processes. Since Costa
Rica, which has an economy mainly dual, combines the
export area with the non-export sector (OECD, 2020),
both sides of the Costa Rican economy were chosen; be-
ing paint and metallurgical industry that correspond to the
first group and agricultural industry of the SME sector, to
identify which of these muds could be applied in artistic
expression either in sculpture or painting.
This article proposes to study the physicochemical cha-
racteristics of an environmental residue, such as the slu-
dge from some Costa Rican industries to propose it for
non-conventional artistic applications and mark a first
step so that in the future the School of Arts will be self-su-
fficient in producing basic supplies for its courses in a
sustainable way over time with environmental awareness.
Sample collection: Secondary sludge samples from la-
goons or oxidation tanks of three Costa Rican industries
were collected to determine their applicability in the ar-
tistic area. Companies that could potentially have a high
percentage of SiO
were selected, this compound being
of great added value in the vitrification or enameling pro-
cess, for this reason, paint, agricultural and metallurgical
industries were selected.
Humidity determination: The humidity of all the collec-
ted sludge was determined through gravimetry. For this,
the wet sludge was placed in an oven at 100 °C for a
period of 12 h.
Silicon Dioxide Percentage: The quantification of silicon
dioxide was carried out on a dry basis by gravimetry in
the Laboratory of Analytical Services (LASA), of the Es-
cuela de Química (School of Chemistry) of the Univer-
sity of Costa Rica, following their own established the
Infrared spectroscopy: To obtain the bands of the func-
tional groups associated with the silicates, carbonates,
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
and oxides present in the sludge sample, a PerkinElmer
Frontier FT-IR-ATR model was used. Ten (10) scans per
sample were made with a large background to obtain the
final spectrum. The scan was from 4000 cm
to 450 cm
X-ray diffraction: A Brucker D8 Advance brand diffrac-
tometer with a LynxEye detector and a scan from 5° to
60° was used to identify the crystalline phases of the
components present in the sludge and thus determine the
ease of their separation/recovery.
Thermogravimetric analysis: A TGA equipment, TA Ins-
truments brand, model Q5000, with an inert atmosphere
was used using a heating ramp of 5 °C/min from 25 °C
to 600 °C, to study the behavior of the sludge concerning
temperature and identify volatile compounds and degra-
dations associated with silicates, oxides, and carbonates
of the mud.
X-ray energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray
fluorescence (XRF): To determine the elemental com-
position, a HITACHI model S3700-N scanning electron
microscope was used, where the X-ray fluorescence
technique was used (XRF) to detect the heavier metals
and X-ray dispersion spectrometry (EDS) to quantify
the lighter metals. The dried mud powders were placed
on a double carbon tape attached to a sample holder that
was inserted into the equipment and then a vacuum was
applied to carry out the measurements.
Results and discussion
The collection of sludge from lagoons and oxidation
tanks from different industries was carried out according
to Table 1 to determine the percentage of SiO
thus, to
know the potential that they would have in the process
of vitrification, ceramics, or sculpture at an artistic level.
The presence of SiO
is important within the structure of
vitrified ones because as it increases, the vitrified phase
increases, and in heavy metal-problem muds, polymeri-
zation of the silicate contributes to the chemical stability
of the metals in the matrix (Kuo et al., 2003, 2008).
In contrast, there are three categories of modern ceramics:
glass, glass ceramics, and engineering ceramics. Tradi-
tional ceramics fall under this last group and includes
everyday ceramics, sanitary and construction ceramics,
ceramics for arts and crafts, chemical ceramics, electrical
ceramics, and more. All of the aforementioned are prima-
rily made of natural silicates such as clay, quartz, felds-
par, or kaolin, where the SiO2 content is crucial to the
characteristics and final appearance of the ceramic (Ion,
2005; Zeng et al., 2021).
Sludge can be used as an addition to regular concrete ce-
ment for sculpture or it can be used to change the forge
or porosity of concrete mosaics (Armbruster, 2019; Ca-
mareno et al., 2006). The humidity in the sludge was also
measured, which was crucial because the processes of
transport and dehydration or drying require a lot of ener-
gy (Zhen et al., 2012). In this regard, the more moisture
there is in the sludge, the more challenging it will be to
adapt it for reuse and use in other applications. According
to Table 1, the agrochemical business, followed by the
paint industry, and the metal industry, which has the least
amount of water in the sample, are the ones with the hi-
ghest water content. This information helps characterize
the sludge and determine its potential for reuse because
the high moisture content in any material complicates its
transportation. After all, the right packaging and contai-
ner must be used. It is also important to consider that a
drying process requires a lot of energy, which increases
costs and makes the process more expensive.
The difference in moisture percentages is primarily attri-
buted to the sample collection method because the sha-
pe of the lagoon or oxidation tank influences the ease of
sample collection and, as a result, the amount of water
that is collected with it. Although these amounts are sig-
nificant, secondary sludges with moisture contents of up
to 99% have been reported (Canziani & Spinosa, 2019).
As it can be seen within the previous table, the paint in-
dustry is the one with the most elevated rate of silicon
dioxide on a dry basis, making the paint company the
one with the most noteworthy conceivable outcomes to
Table 1. Moisture percentage and silicon dioxide percentage of three sludge samples from different industrial processes
Source: Prepared by the authors
Industry Moisture Percentage (%) SiO2 Percentage (%)
Paints 26.5 ± 0.5 17.2 ± 0.2
Agrochemicals 30.5 ± 0.5 2.7 ± 0.2
Metals 14.3 ± 0.5 0.5 ± 0.2
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
be utilized in applications such as design or vitrification.
For this reason, it is that the slime from the paint industry
was chosen for the taking after characterization, in such a
way that its composition can be known and proposed for
pigments, paints or the like after appropriate treatments.
Two amassments of sludge from the paint industry were
then carried out, one in the low engendering season and
the other in the high engendering season, both were dried,
and the percentage of inorganic matter in them after dr-
ying was resolute.
In this case, it is carried out in the same way on a dry
basis and it is denoted that both batches have a similar
amount of inorganic matter, the one obtained in the low
season being greater according to Table 2.
Oxidation lagoons work to improve the microbial quality
of waters and decrease the oxygen requirement (BOD) by
the time they reach receiving waters; therefore, lagoon
design has traditionally focused on BOD removal, al-
though oxidation ponds important secondary functions of
sedimentation of organic and inorganic solids that carry
the process waters (Davies-Colley et al., 1995; Verbyla,
2016). When using the secondary sludge obtained from
the oxidation lagoons, the use of inorganic material is
present. That is the reason why when the season is low,
the water flow is lower and the industries, respecting the
water retention time to reduce the BOD, require more
time collecting wastewater. As a consequence, they also
store a greater amount of inorganic solids such as clays,
silicates, carbonates, etc. (Metcalf et al., 1991).
However, it is important to note that the difference be-
tween the data reported in Table 2 is very small, so it
could be considered that the inorganic matter in the paint
sludge samples is independent of the production season.
It should be noted that, since these are stable products
over time, the intention is to recover the inorganic com-
pounds since the organic compounds are mostly degraded
due to coming from an oxidation lagoon.
Next, the SiO
quantification process is perferomed be-
cause the inorganic matter is not only silicon but, it also
contains other oxides such as TiO
, CaO, K
O, and Al
among others, in their different phases. To do this, % SiO
is obtained separately for the batches and the entire ho-
mogenized sample. The results are shown in Table 3.
The percentage of SiO
is an important characteristic in
calcined sludge (without organic material) since a con-
siderable increase is shown for the sludge that contains
organic matter, thus going from 17.2 ± 0.2 to the data
reported in Table 3.
That SiO
in the paint industry specifically, is used as fi-
llers in the formulation which are added in powder and
work to generate body and volume in paint, change pro-
perties such as viscosity, and its final shine when it is dry.
(Carbonell, 2011, 2014) Therefore, it is natural that in
peak production season there is a higher amount of this
material. Also, as mentioned above, the SiO
content is
not only used in paints as it is also important when used
in vitrified or ceramics and that generates a wide range
of possibilities for using this residue by eventually reco-
vering it.
Regarding the characterization of the sludge, the Infrared
spectrum of the sample without organic matter is shown
in Figure 1, in which bands associated with the crystalline
phases shown in Table 4 can be observed.
Table 2. Percentage of inorganic matter in the selected sample.
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Painting Company Percentage of
inorganic matter (%)
Lot 1 (Low season) 50.5 ± 0.1
Lot 2 (High season) 49.5 ± 0.1
Table 3. Percentage of silicon dioxide of the selected sample.
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Painting Company SiO
Lot 1 (Low season) 43 ± 1
Lot 2 (High season) 50 ± 3
Homogenized sample 1 44 ± 3
Homogenized sample 2 37 ±1
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
The band, 3410 cm
would correspond to water occluded
within the sample, and the band at 1079 cm
to the stret-
ching of the Si-O bonds. While the bands 1417 cm
, 874
, and 711 cm
correspond to the presence of carbona-
tes (Morales Acevedo & Pérez Sánchez, 2003).
Although these bands are the most notorious, it is impor-
tant to highlight that there are other functional groups in
the matrix whose bands are superimposed. The band at
796 cm
corresponding to Si-O in the CaCO
et al., 2002) or TiO/SiO
mixtures, in addition to the band
at 960 cm
corresponding to Ti
that can be substitu-
ted with Si
in the compound (Ren et al., 2008) it is not
shown, the same happens with the bands at 960 cm
1060 cm
corresponding to the Al-O bonds of the albite
(Feng et al., 2012).
Likewise, X-ray diffraction was used to determine the
phases of the main components obtained in it the values
of Table 4.
It is observed that the sludges are composed of various
crystalline phases, this makes sense considering that they
were extracted from oxidation ponds where mostly clays
are found that are chemically a combination of aluminum
and silicon with the general formula Al
and sometimes found as feldspar (K
), silicates in the form of quartz with
the formula SiO
, carbonates CO
and various metals
(Evans & Langdon, 1976; Zeng et al., 2021).
However, according to the thermogravimetric analysis
shown in Table 5, there is a first degradation correspon-
ding to the water occluded within the crystalline network,
which was visualized in the infrared spectrum of Figure
1 in the 3410 cm
band. On the other hand, it has been
reported that the degradations between 600-750°C co-
rrespond to the dehydroxylation of Ca (OH)
, while at
750-850°C they are due to the decomposition of carbona-
tes into CaO and CO
, this due to the amount of calcium
contained in the sludge in the form of calcite (Rodríguez
et al., 2012; Segura Sierpes et al., 2016).
As previously mentioned, in Costa Rica the final disposal
of Sludge is regulated by current legislation; therefore,
it is essential to ensure that the chemical composition of
the sludge complies with parameters established by law.
For this, the complementary techniques of X-ray energy
dispersion spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray fluorescence
Figure 1. The infrared spectrum of the inorganic matter of the
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Table 4. Crystalline phases detected by X-ray diffraction
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Crystalline phase Compound
Calcite CaCO
Albite NaAlSiO
Quartz SiO
Rutile TiO
Hematite Fe
Titanium and silicon oxide O
Table 5. Study of degradation with temperature, through a thermogravimetric analysis.
Temperature Percentage of loss (%) Identity
0-200 °C 5.8 Occluded wáter
600-750 °C 10.8 Dehydroxylation (CaOH)
750-850 °C 0.1 CO
Source: Prepared by the authors.
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
(XRF) are used. The first is used to determine the number
of light metals in the sample while the second is used to
quantify the heavier metals.
Results are shown in Table 6, it is important to emphasi-
ze that in the XRF technique, when visualizing only the
heaviest fraction, the percentage calculations are made
according to the quantity and sensitivity of elements that
can be visualized, hence the difference in the data for
each frame.
In this instance, Table 6 demonstrates that only Chro-
mium (Cr) might be detrimental if oxidized among the
components found by EDS; nevertheless, the concentra-
tion is not as high as that demonstrated in the majority of
elements, among which titanium, aluminum, and calcium
are also present in addition to silicon. Copper and zinc
are present in trace amounts when the elemental compo-
sition is examined using the XRF technique, particularly
copper, which has a value of 0.05 to 0.01%.
It is also known from mapping the sample that the dis-
tribution is homogeneous for each of the metals with the
largest percentage of importance, which is crucial when
carrying out recovery methods and purification of the slu-
dge components to enable their reuse. A homogenization
process had to be performed on each sample collected to
have a sample as a whole and verify whether the sample
had a homogeneous content or if it was segmented, de-
pending on the level of homogenization performed. This
homogeneity is shown in Figure 2. It is important to note
that several collections were made at different times to
obtain the final sample.
Table 6. Percentage of the concentration of each component present in the sludge
Source: Prepared by the authors
EDS (%) XRF (%)
C 4.70±0.20 9.9±1.7
O 43±4 32.0±2.0
Na 0.70±0.20 0.0±0.0
Mg 1.05±0.13 0.18±0.05
Al 8.51±1.4 3.49±0.06
Si 11.5±1.1 6.08±0.08
S 0.33±0.01 0.24±0.02
K 0.408±0.001 0.33±0.03
Ca NA 15.86±0.32
Ti 13.2±2.7 23.73±0.59
Cr 0.74±0.08 0.60±0.06
Fe 1.88±0.54 4.58±0.26
Cu NA 0.05±0.01
Zn NA 2.85±0.12
Figure 2. Mapping of metals by EDS
Source: Prepared by the authors
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
Since the calcined sludge does not contain enough SiO
to adequately vitrify and melt, it is not advised to use it
neat for vitrification applications based on the results
of the aforementioned characterizations, which reveal
a very complicated composition inside the mud matrix.
As it contains significant levels of titanium and silicon
oxide as well as albite, it might be utilized in items like
ceramics or enamels as an alternative (Carter & Norton,
2013). Or even the potential utility of each component if
the right acquisition strategy is used. Following the pri-
mary goal of developing a long-term sustainable path for
the School of Arts where there is a raw material that may
be used in numerous procedures.
For the sludge used and characterized, the scheme of the
possible recovery process is shown in Figure 3
When compared to the phases indicated in Table 4, the
data shown in tables and Figure 2 make sense. Due to
its low cost, non-toxic nature, and high refractive index,
titanium oxide has been a well-known pigment since the
19th century. Its use expanded after the prohibition on
lead pigment since it functions well as a white pigment
and is added to other colors as a filler in paint formulation
(Chen et al., 2022). Additionally, as Ti is more expensive
than other metals and since it makes up a bigger fraction
of the sludge than other metals, extraction and purifying
techniques can be suggested to reuse it as a pigment or a
burden. For this, digestion with sulfuric acid and subse-
quent centrifugation can be used (See Figure 3) (Khezri
et al., 2013), which will produce a concentration of TiO2
in the mixing matrix.
However, digestion with sulfuric acid not only increases
the concentration of Ti but also that of Al, which is ano-
ther of the elements that sludge contains the most as albi-
te. Since. according to literature, the best conditions for
extraction of Al from sludge is using a pH of 1 using sul-
furic acid or a pH of 13 using NaOH (Truong et al., 2021;
Van Truong & Kim, 2022), it is important to mention
that the extraction with sulfuric acid will be functional
to concentrate both Ti and Al, although an increase in the
concentration of metals such as Mg will also be shown.
Regarding the Ca present in the sludge, it is found as cal-
cite according to Table 4. This compound does not need
to be purified or extracted since CaCO
is used by itself
as a pigment (Learner et al., 2007) or within the matrix
as a catalyst to carry out reactions at high temperatures
to obtain other pigments, for example, derivatives of Cr
(Kwon et al., 2018; Long et al., 2021). Iron, chromium,
and zinc, which are used to make pigments, are among
Figure 3. Block diagram of the sludge recovery and separation process.
Source: Prepared by the authors
Yulök Revista de Innovación Académica, ISSN 2215-5147, Vol. 7, N.º 2
Junio-Diciembre 2023, pp. 64-74
Rodríguez, K., Jirón, E. y Hernández, V. Characterization of sludge from industries
for possible recovery in Arts.
the elements of aesthetic relevance that EDS and XRF
also reveal in addition to the aforementioned metals (Co-
rreia et al., 2007).
Iron can be recovered by different methods using diges-
tions with either hydrochloric acid, ammonium oxalate,
or nitric acid (Rasmussen et al., 1996; B. Yang et al.,
2021), whereupon it dissolves and is later precipitated as
an oxide or forms part of phosphate, in terms of use in
arts it is best to use it as oxide due to its reddish coloration
(Correia et al., 2007).
Chromium on the other hand can be recovered by similar
digestion methods; however, highly toxic soluble chro-
mates or dichromates would be produced. Therefore, an
alternative is a solid phase recovery at high temperatu-
re (≈1000 °C) using a carbonate as catalyst (sodium or
calcium carbonate) and an oxygen-rich atmosphere, in
such a way that sodium or calcium chromate is obtained
(Long et al., 2021) this alternative is useful in sludges
such as those treated in this article that they contain cal-
cite in their matrix since the catalyst must not be added
On the other hand, zinc (in the form of ZnO) is found in
the sludge because it was once used as a white pigment
instead of TiO
, for example in the works of Pier Paolo
Pasolini, where no traces of TiO
were found (Learner
et al., 2007). In the sludges analyzed, the amount of Zn
is found to a lesser extent than Fe, this element can be
extracted in the same way as Fe with HCl, however, a
compound will be formed, for which it is re-
commended to use sulfuric acid as it is more selective
between Fe and Zn (Vereš et al., 2012). Following the-
se extraction processes, when using sulfuric acid, Ti, Al,
and Zn can be recovered with traces of Mg, all of these
elements used in the formation of white pigments or as
fillers in the formulation (Correia et al., 2007).
Despite the matrix’s extreme complexity it may be seen
from this diagram that each material that is broken down
in the figure can be used as a product, avoiding the need
to collect many products that would increase the purif-
ying expenses for the final product. However, since the
major goal is to lead the way in the utilization of mate-
rials made from trash, you don’t want to sell each product
The amount of SiO
in the sludge from the oxida-
tion lagoons of Costa Rican industries was calcula-
ted, and the results showed 17.2 ± 0.2% for the paint
industry, 2.7 ± 0.2% for the agrochemical industry,
and 0.5 ± 0.2% for the metal industry. This indicates
that the paint industries have a significant amount of
potential for use in artistic endeavors due to the high
The chemical characterization of the sludges re-
veals that they are secure because their matrix lacks
potentially harmful elements. However, it presents
metals like iron and copper that, if the right use path
is taken, can be employed as pigments.
A usage plan that involves the recovery of tita-
nium, aluminum, and silicon oxides that can be utili-
zed in enameling or ceramics can be established due
to the sludge’s composition.
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