Recoverable waste opportunity for everyone

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Heriberto Salazar Agüero


This document shows the reader about the opportunity that exists with organic and inorganic wastes that are in the environment and society in general. Inorganic waste can be used to transform itself into new assets that contribute to the recycling principle, as well as encouraging economic reactivation, so that people at social risk can be included in the labor market. It is necessary to know a little about these types of projects that are established in community collection
centers, in this case the Municipality of Poás in which they do a whole process and treatment of waste. It should be
noted that there are ways to add greater profitability to this type of project, in which inorganic materials can be used to promote the agribusiness and, eventually, collaborate with reducing the amount of chemical inputs in territories and
agricultural plots.

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How to Cite
Recoverable waste opportunity for everyone. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 3(2), 51-59. (julio a diciembre).222
Artículo científico

How to Cite

Recoverable waste opportunity for everyone. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 3(2), 51-59. (julio a diciembre).222


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