Digital Content Curation for the Implementation of Innovative Writing Projects
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Teaching writing requires a different and more detailed organization than teaching speaking. Since many students do not see the importance and practical use of writing, they easily get discouraged. When planning a course, looking for techniques to offer students an attractive learning environment where they can understand how writing works in the
modern world is crucial. In our present work, we give useful information that can contribute to gear writing to a real-life context by using digital content curation as a tool for teachers to plan classes. Digital content curation works as a means to create different activities that inspire students to write and present their work through e-portfolios. Different from
the traditional portfolios, E-portfolios are flexible, give students the chance to be creative in their designs, be reflective about their work, and improve their digital composition skills. We implemented this technique in a writing course of the English as a Second Language Major (ILE) at Universidad Técnica Nacional. By curating digital context, the quality of
materials, the process of pedagogical mediation, and learning environment design were highly improved.
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Cómo citar
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