Telecommunications designs in high areas of Poás, Costa Rica

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Heriberto Salazar Agüero


Costa Rica, in rural and mountainous areas, has agricultural and dairy farming activities, educational centers; as well as the commerce and the hotel industry of the tourism and gastronomy industry, in addition the mountainous location is strategic for the generation of profits, supported by telecommunications. Objective: Analyze the forms of telecommunications engineering applicable to the area and establish the most appropriate in performance for the activities of the sector. Methodology: Tools such as: SUTEL (Superintendency of Telecommunications) maps were used to measure the speeds of data networks, autocad to design the proposal, GIS (Geographic Information System) to study the density of posts, analyzing the information with the IDEAL model and the optical budget that validate the design. Results: It was determined that attenuation due to weather, refraction, and forest density prevent links in the fresnel zone, limit the quality of links in data networks, which affects productivity. Conclusion: The optical technology projects are robust and constant to the user of the area, since the current power of the signal in copper is deficient due to the scarcity of repeaters in download and upload speed.

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How to Cite
Telecommunications designs in high areas of Poás, Costa Rica. (2023). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 7(2), 30-42.
Artículo científico

How to Cite

Telecommunications designs in high areas of Poás, Costa Rica. (2023). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 7(2), 30-42.


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