Methodological Proposal for Design Analytical Substantive Procedures in Financial Statement Audit

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Eduardo Sosa Mora


In this article, a review of the literature related to the substantive analytical procedures in the audit of financial statements is carried out and an innovative methodological proposal is presented for the execution of such procedures in different representative items of the financial statements of different types of companies. The substantive analytical procedures in auditing consist of certain calculations such as ratios, indices and percentages that express relationships between different items in the financial statements of an entity, or between these and other information of a non-financial nature. When certain necessary conditions are met, these procedures allow auditors to carry out efficiently the examination of different elements of the financial statements, without performing exhaustive documentary tests, or at the very least, they can reduce the extent and degree of detail of those tests. For proper execution of substantive analytical procedures, plausible and permanent relationships between the relevant variables must exist; It is also essential that internal controls ensure the credibility of the information from which the calculations of these relationships are fed.

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How to Cite
Methodological Proposal for Design Analytical Substantive Procedures in Financial Statement Audit. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 6(2), 74-90.
Investigación bibliográfica

How to Cite

Methodological Proposal for Design Analytical Substantive Procedures in Financial Statement Audit. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 6(2), 74-90.


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