UTN Artificial Ventilator Model Against Covid 19

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Ana Beatriz Vargas Badilla
Heriberto Salazar Agüero


Objective. Explain the development and description of the first respiratory ventilator model developed at the UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA NACIONAL (Costa Rica) from its conceptualization, organization, assembly, testing and commissioning, from the mechanical context to digital technicality. This device was put together by a group of students of the Electronic Engineering MAJOR, with the guidance of the authors of this article which became a remarkable job for the university community. Results. The main results proposed a table of costs, mathematical formulas working according to the variables that characterize the subject of breathing, speed and periods of inhalation and exhalation that are combined with the digital and mechanical elements so that it becomes a functional device. to health. Conclusions. A functional and economic model was created that allows one to save life, using PLA materials, iron on an ambu pump, thanks to a programming language that favors the control of the device in the motor.

Article Details

How to Cite
UTN Artificial Ventilator Model Against Covid 19. (2023). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 7(1), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.47633/yulk.v7i1.571
Artículo científico

How to Cite

UTN Artificial Ventilator Model Against Covid 19. (2023). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 7(1), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.47633/yulk.v7i1.571


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