Learning of Soft Skills: Students Perceptions in The Metacognitive Module at The National Technical University

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César Toruño Arguedas


This article analyses the perception of first-year students of the National Technological University (UTN) on learning soft skills capacities in the Metacognitive Module of the Introductory Cycle 2018. The implementation of this module, focused in the development of soft skills, is a unique experience in the country and in the region, which is the reason why it is relevant to establish an idea of the student’s perception in this field and their dominance of the matter. The study had a mix approach, an exploratory scope and used a digital survey apply with a convenience sample. Of the total of students (3360), 1532 were informant participants in the implementation of the survey with 1014 responses in the tracing. The results show that the first-year students of the UTN perceive positively the learning experience of the Module, improvements in their mastery of soft skills and relevance in their transition to university life, as well as establishing possibilities for improvement in the learning of specific competences and the process of transition to career courses.

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How to Cite
Learning of Soft Skills: Students Perceptions in The Metacognitive Module at The National Technical University. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.47633/yulk.v4i1.264
Estudio de caso

How to Cite

Learning of Soft Skills: Students Perceptions in The Metacognitive Module at The National Technical University. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.47633/yulk.v4i1.264


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