Position your brand among young consumers Connect yourself with the new generations of consumers

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Rodrigo Salas Castro
Ana Teresa Chacón Hernández
Priscilla Sanabria Vega
Sonia Linares Víquez


GENTICO ZOOM, is a study that deepens further into the Digital and Virtual generations, to introduce and expose the reasons for the behavior, similarities and differences of young Costa Ricans between the ages of 12 and 35, who represent more than 40% of the population of the country. Through an attitudinal profile, these young people can be identified and classified as aspiring, disciplined and risky. This research made by Kölbi and UNIMER, using different qualitative and quantitative research techniques will allow brands to generate their own marketing strategies by understanding and comprehending these young people in their essence because they are willing to listen. Who are they? What do they do?What do they think? Where are they? What are their concerns? What do they consume? Because they are different, changeable and inconstant, they challenge what is conceived and what they have learned outside the country. They are different from the millennial and centennial portrait of other countries.

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How to Cite
Position your brand among young consumers Connect yourself with the new generations of consumers. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 2(1). https://revistas.utn.ac.cr/index.php/yulok/article/view/486
Artículo científico

How to Cite

Position your brand among young consumers Connect yourself with the new generations of consumers. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 2(1). https://revistas.utn.ac.cr/index.php/yulok/article/view/486


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