The future of transport in Costa Rica: transition to electric vehicles and other technologies

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José Gerardo Vega Córdoba


In this case study, an analysis was made about the technical conditions that Costa Rica must meet for the transport electrification. The country meets many of these requirements, renewable electricity generation, electric transport policies and plans, interested utilities and other positive factors. However, the main current problems like, the dependence on fossil fuel, the challenges to overcome in order to achieve the correct transition, the effect on the National Electric System, distribution of fast-charging stations and the integration of electric vehicles into smart grids will be studied.

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The future of transport in Costa Rica: transition to electric vehicles and other technologies. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 4(1).
Estudio de caso

How to Cite

The future of transport in Costa Rica: transition to electric vehicles and other technologies. (2020). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 4(1).


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