Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Revista Arjé (julio a diciembre, 2023)

					View Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Revista Arjé (julio a diciembre, 2023)

Cover photo: Integration activity between students, academics and administrative staff of the Atenas Campus, under the shade of the iconic centennial Cenízaro tree (Samanea saman) on a sunny November morning.

Back cover photo: a group of students starting the day's work with a dairy cattle practice in the Guinea grass pastures, in the background you can see the Aguacate hill.

The photographs were taken by Jorge Cordero Arias, who is a resident of Orotina and has found his true passion in photography and wildlife. While studying Food Technology at UTN Atenas, Jorge spends his free time exploring nature and capturing the beauty of wildlife through his lens. His love for photography and his commitment to the preservation of local fauna and flora make him an exceptionally committed individual to his environment and education.

To see the front cover, back cover and credits click here.

Published: 2023-11-27

Historias de vida y aprendizaje: un enfoque biopedagógico

Voces de la academia