Inter and Trans-disciplinary Model for the Statistics Teaching in the Higher Education

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Mariela Villalobos Villegas


The study explores the educational context around the current pedagogical practices in statistics; the characteristics of the teaching and learning processes in Costa Rican higher education; and the main themes that include an inter and transdisciplinary model for the teaching of statistics in higher education. The aim of this research is to argue the theoretical, practical, and formative fundamentals of an inter and transdisciplinary Statistics teaching model in Costa Rican higher education. Methodology: The essence of this design was to seek the lived experiences of different professionals and teachers in higher education in order to obtain a shared description of experiences and educational tasks through the qualitative interpretive paradigm and the phenomenological and grounded theory approach. Results: the information collected provided evidence to infer that there is no agreement between the topics raised and the class methodology; the teacher does not include data mining and the statistical requirements implied by today's society, such as STEAM competencies. Therefore, the reasoning is brief, and there is no decision-making in a social or work context that allows the student to adapt to a professional reality. Conclusion: A contemporary inter- and transdisciplinary Statistics Teaching Model has been proposed, which, according to the characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution, implies that knowledge is discovered, verified, and sustained, using technologies.

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How to Cite
Inter and Trans-disciplinary Model for the Statistics Teaching in the Higher Education. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 47-61.
Artículo científico

How to Cite

Inter and Trans-disciplinary Model for the Statistics Teaching in the Higher Education. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 47-61.


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