Studies of ancient metrology Another face of space-time

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Alberto Camacho Ríos


This manuscript reports the use of an ancient metrology system to determine the magnitude of the meridian arc above the Egyptian region circa the year 3000 BC. The elements of this system are present in the magnitudes of important
monuments such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and the temples located in the Archaeological Site of Teotihuacan. Both sites, separated by space-time, were devised from magnitude values that arise from the same measurement
system of astronomical nature, whose numbers represent the revolutions of the planets that these civilizations widely observed. The present article describes the measurement system used by both cultures, as well as the numerical systems at play.

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How to Cite
Studies of ancient metrology Another face of space-time. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 2(1), 89-100.
Artículo científico

How to Cite

Studies of ancient metrology Another face of space-time. (2022). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 2(1), 89-100.


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