The Impact of Viewing Women as Predominantly Peacebuilders

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Jean Joan Boy


Since the adoption of UNSCR 1325 in 2000, the role of women in peace building has gained increasing attention in international policy and research. The resolution recognizes the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and calls for their increased participation in all aspects of peace building. While this has been an important step towards gender equality and promoting women's rights, the impacts of these generally accepted notions of women's roles in conflict have rarely been assessed. This research analyzes the extent to which a predominant focus on women as natural peacebuilders has impacted various peace initiatives thus hindering sustainable peace. The main objective is how ‘woman’ has been overstated in peace building in a bid to promote women's participation in peace processes. This study is a critique of the mainstream narratives that advocate for women's peace activism. It has therefore used hermeneutic and discourse analysis in an attempt to deconstruct women's natural pacifism.

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How to Cite
The Impact of Viewing Women as Predominantly Peacebuilders. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 62-68.
Artículo científico

How to Cite

The Impact of Viewing Women as Predominantly Peacebuilders. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 62-68.


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