Environmental Interpretation of the Bahía Golfito Mangrove: A Contribution to the Blue Economy

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María José Rodríguez-García


The objective of this work is to describe the results of the construction of the baseline of the interpretive planning of the Bahía Golfito mangrove, as an alternative to the impact of the piangua extraction. This work is the result of a social action project of the University of Costa Rica, in which the interpretive resources and their threats were recognized as a basis for the construction of an interpretive path, through the use of the 5M methodology, with which builds the baseline to convert the interpretive tour into a tourist product that works as an economic alternative for APIAPU. Since the conceptualization of the blue economy, APIAPU adds opportunities and complies with part of its principles, such as recognizing the value of the natural capital at its disposal, increasing new jobs in contact with the ocean and promoting the efficient use of resources. natural. As a recommendation, it is important to constantly train the people involved in the proposed tourism product.

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How to Cite
Environmental Interpretation of the Bahía Golfito Mangrove: A Contribution to the Blue Economy. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 94-101. https://doi.org/10.47633/9dyh7a22
Sistematización de experiencia

How to Cite

Environmental Interpretation of the Bahía Golfito Mangrove: A Contribution to the Blue Economy. (2024). Yulök Revista De Innovación Académica, 8(1), 94-101. https://doi.org/10.47633/9dyh7a22


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