Incorporation of learning and knowledge technologies as a didactic tool in disruptive workshops in the teaching of writing and spelling in elementary school students




Didactic Workshop, Writing, Spelling, Technology, Systematization


The systematization of didactic experiences allows the theoretical understanding of a practical activity developed in the teaching and learning process, so that, through the analysis, understanding and improvement of the experience carried out, a reproduction of these experiences is possible, that responds in a contextualized way to the needs of students and their environment. The present systematization corresponds to the implementation of five writing and spelling teaching workshops in primary school students, in which the contents were the following: the use of capital letters, accentuation, nouns, connectors and concordance. Sixth grade students of basic general education participated in the workshops. The workshops were developed using learning and knowledge technologies, from which the teaching of the contents was put into practice in a creative and innovative way. The experience was developed in accordance with the capacities in material and technological resources that the institution has, so it should be noted that a diagnosis of the institution, the student body and the teaching staff will be necessary prior to the application of this type of workshop, so that the activities respond to the reality of each educational institution and its environment.


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How to Cite

Monge-Poltronieri, S., Campos-Núñez, K., Anchía-Umaña, I., Gómez-Vargas, S., & Betancur-Ceballos, M. (2023). Incorporation of learning and knowledge technologies as a didactic tool in disruptive workshops in the teaching of writing and spelling in elementary school students. Revista Arjé, 6(2), 1-18.

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